Rainbow Agro




RAINBOW AGRO was founded in 2005 in Jinan, China as a company to operate in the international market to the highest standards.Now RAINBOW AGRO is the worlds leading company for the production and sale of plant protection products, ranking 11th in the world. Also, RAINBOW AGRO is the No. 1 exporter of pesticides from China in 2019, 2021 and 2022.With a presence in more than 80 countries on 5 continents, we provide tailor-made solutions for every customer, whether they are an industrial company, a dealer or a farmer.In 2022, RAINBOW AGRO established a subsidiary in Russia, LLC Rainbow Agrosciences. A team of experienced specialists from Rainbow Agrosciences LLC is convinced that customers will appreciate the high quality of Rainbow Agroscience products combined with a reasonable price and qualified service.Catalog of pesticides of Rainbow Agrosciences LLC. Contains a description of products registered in Russia.